Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Wednesday 12th August 2009

So sorry, I've been in a terrible mood all day, so bad that I've been neglecting to feed the ears properly. They've had to subsist on VERY meagre rations.

In the car, to and from work:
Reverend & The Makers - French Kiss in the Chaos
The Dead Weather - Horehound

At home this afternoon:
Purcell - Dido & Aeneas

I'll probably have the St John Passion again in the bath shortly.

Poor ears. They'll be starving and miserable. Better rations tomorrow.


  1. Ah, if your ears are like mine, they hear the music inside as well as that from without. Love that Purcell. St John Passion too, truth be told.

  2. Very true - I actually hear something going on pretty much all the time. In fact, on Sunday morning I woke with the last movement of Mahler's 1st symphony going through my head. Didn't mention it on the ears because it didn't really involve the ears - just the brain.
