Thursday, 30 July 2009

Thursday 30th July 2009

Well, it's been a long day, working on a maths assignment. While my brain & hands have been busy, my ears have kept themselves entertained with:

In the car, taking Wonderspouse to & from the bus:
Janacek - String Quartet No.1 First Movement

At my desk this morning:
Reger - Suites for Solo Viola
Bach - Solo Cello Suites, arranged for Viola

Mozart Piano Concertos from No.14 onwards, all through the afternoon.

James Rhodes CD - Bach, Beethoven, Chopin etc. as previously described.

After supper, while copying up:
Muse - Black Holes and Revelations.

I couldn't actually get through days like today without a constant soundtrack. I'm hopeless at working in silence. The music is an essential part of the enterprise.


  1. Who's playing the Bach - very curious to hear how it sounds (suspect Garth Knox would be a good choice).

  2. Hi Tam,

    it's the Nobuko Imai recording - you can hear snippets at from where I downloaded it.

    I haven't come across a recording by Garth Knox, but I do believe he's done the Ligeti sonata, so I think that's going on my shopping list!
