Thursday, 14 January 2010

Monday 11th January 2010

At home in the morning:
Beethoven - String Quartets Op.59, No.3 and Op.131

In the afternoon in the Doctor's waiting room:
Strange tinkly palm court then music box type music
Brass band music, including Men of Harlech & Rule Britannia

The Wonderspouse, who accompanied me to the surgery commented that the strange tinkly music was actually his equivalent of torture, and kept me amused while waiting by saying "Yes, yes, I'll tell you anything, just turn it off". Once the brass band started up he said it sounded like a parade for Lenin or something. I said I didn't think Lenin was Welsh.

By the time I went into the surgery I was mildly hysterical, even though going to seek help for depression. We generally deal with such things using humour here, and the rather terrible music provided the perfect stimulus for crazy conversation!

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