Thursday, 3 December 2009

Tuesday 1st December 2009

In the car today for several trips:
Schubert - Symphonies 6, 8 and 9.

At home:
Josquin - L'homme arme masses
Eminem - Relapse
Shostakovich - Sonata for Cello & Piano Op.40
Prokofiev - Sonata for Cello & Piano Op.119
Arvo Part - Fratres (Violin), Cantus in Memoriam Britten, Fratres (12 Cellos), Tabula Rasa
Elbow - The Seldom Seen Kid

While out at a gig, a set by:
Mol Hodge

1. Schubert 9 is magnificent. I always forget how wonderful this is. I've literally known it since I was very very small - it was the only thing that would stop my little brother crying when he was a baby so my parents took the record everywhere. I must have heard it thousands of times before I was even 2 years old. Probably the first piece of music I could recognise.
2. Been waiting for the Eminem to not be full-price. Well worth the wait. Absolutely brilliant stuff. One of the more surprising things about my musical taste (it surprises me anyway) is that I think Eminem is genius. Brilliant stuff.


  1. Eminem's uneven but I agree, when he hits the mark he's unstoppable. I can even forgive him for unleashing Dido on the world... almost.

  2. Wow, an impressive listening day! I recognize that Gidon Kremer-led Arvo Part disc. :-)

    Also lurv Schubert 9 (as has come up on the Twitter, the only Schubert symphony I can tolerate). One of my earliest musical loves, though not as early as you!

    My brother said watching 8 Mile finally gave him an appreciation for Eminem, and rap as an art form...

  3. Yes, Eminem can be absolutely amazing - I'd never have thought a few years ago that I'd be buying albums & enjoying them as I do.

    Stuart - had a bit of an overdose of Dido. We had an old car (before the one we had now) that would only play one tape in the very rubbish cassette player. It was Dido! Fortunately the head gasket went, so the car went to the great car park in the sky and we were able to listen to other stuff - phew!

    Rob - I'm so glad that you'll make a Schubert exception for 9 and at least tolerate it. Yes, that's the Part disc - had it for years, but hadn't listened to it for a while - it emerged when I was doing a bit of clearing up the other day!
